The Tiromoana Walkways offer visitors an enticing mixture of panoramic views over hills, valleys and the Pacific Ocean, along with the opportunity to step inside a regenerating native forest, complete with wetlands and wildlife.
The Tiromoana Bush and Mt Cass walkways are both located on Mt Cass Road, off State Highway 1 at the Waipara junction approximately one hour’s drive north of Christchurch. The walking tracks are well signposted and offer a range of options suitable for most walkers of all ages and experience, although a reasonable standard of fitness is required.
At certain times of the year the walkways may close due to the fire risk and the Mt Cass walkway is closed for lambing. Forestry activities may also temporarily close parts of the walkway. Please check this website to ensure the walkways are open before you visit.
The Tiromoana Bush Walkway takes you through a regenerating native forest complete with ponds, wetlands, and native birds. To enjoy spending time at the lookouts, sharing a picnic lunch and walking along the beach, visitors should allow approximately 3 hours for their visit to Tiromoana Bush. Read on for more information or download a map here.
The Mt Cass Walkway includes sweeping views over the Waipara Valley vineyards, the limestone formations of the Mt Cass Range and the Pacific Ocean, and takes about 3 hours. For more information read on or download a map here.